Christmas Magnet and Archer

  • Recorded: 30th June 1993
  • Record Place: The Czech Brethren Evangelical Church, Prague
  • First Release: 1993
  • (P) 1993 SUPRAPHON a.s.
  • Genre: Christmas


  • music by: Adam Václav Michna z Otradovic
  • original lyrics by: Sacred Lyrics
  • vedoucí: Pavel Klikar
  • musical group: Musica Antiqua Praha


Musica Antiqua Praha, Pavel Klikar

Mystery of Early Baroque

Digital services

Catalogue Number: SU 4338-2
Published: 26th April 2024
Genre: Chamber Music
Format: 5 CD
When musician and musicologist Pavel Klikar founded his new ensemble, the Musica Antiqua Praha, in 1982, it was truly a revelation and a breath of fresh air in the stale atmosphere – not only in terms of music performance – of the country conserved by a totalitarian regime. Klikar would look for, study and reconstruct period instruments, create an archive of scores and convey the magic of Baroque tuning systems to musicians. Previously unknown music of the Italian Early Baroque began to be performed in churches – played on period instruments and sung with purity, humility and lightness, without any impasto layers of quasi-Romantic emotionality. The ensemble was inspired by encounters with important music figures, such as Reinhard Goebel, Christopher Hogwood, Peter Holman and Andrew Parrott. Klikar managed to fascinate and win for his vision extraordinary singers and musicians, who would later found their own ensembles and become established among the best in the world of early music. The MAP recorded five albums for Supraphon with repertoire ranging from the Italian Early Baroque (Grandi, Legrenzi) to the unique treasures preserved at the Kroměříž Archbishop’s Archive to sweet and poetic Christmas songs from Czech Baroque hymn books. Although the ensemble no longer exists, there is something timeless in its recordings that does not allow us to think of them as “archival.” What still captivates the listener today and offers an ethereal experience is their humility, grace, deep contemplation and breath-taking purity.

Musica Antiqua Praha – the unique and eternal mysticism of Baroque music

The complete Supraphon recordings (1988–1996) of the pioneering Czech ensemble focused on historically informed performance of Baroque music. Baroque music from the Kroměříž archive (Schmelzer, Ebner, Flixius, etc.), Early Baroque Italian music (Uccelini, Donati, Turini, Picchi, Marini, etc.), Alessandro Grandi (1586–1630) and the Italian Baroque masters, Giovanni Legrenzi (1626–1690) – sonatas and motets, and Czech Christmas music (Michna, Rovenský, Bridel, Hammerschmidt, etc.)

Anna Hlavenková – soprano, Magdalena Kožená – contralto, Stanislav Předota – tenor, Michael Pospíšil – bass, and others; Musica Antiqua Praha, artistic director Pavel Klikar


“Much of this music will be unfamiliar to non-specialist listeners, and Musica Antiqua Praha is one of the top ensembles for this repertoire — the recorded sound is consistently outstanding as well. This box is highly recommended to all libraries with a collecting interest in baroque music.”
CD HotList, August 2024

CD 1

1. Sonata a 3 (con tromba) 02:21
Johann Heinrich Schmelzer
2. Sonata seconda a 5 03:29
Wolfgang Ebner
3. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes I 02:06
4. Sonata con duobos violinis 04:34
Wolfgang Ebner
5. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes II 02:48
6. Sonata a 3 02:56
Wolfgang Ebner
7. Beatus vir 05:32
Henricus Aloysius Brückner
8. Sonata a 4 03:23
Johann Joseph Flixius
9. Laudate pueri 07:44
Johann Heinrich Schmelzer
Baletti a 4
10. Baletti a 4 07:44
V. Lamb
11. Magnificat 06:39
Ciaccona a 3 chori
12. Ciaccona a 3 chori 06:18

CD 2

Marco Uccellini
1. Sinfonia seconda a 2 01:12
Ignatio Donati
2. In te Domine speravi 03:28
Francesco Turini
3. Sonata prima a 2 03:57
Tarquinio Merula
4. Ego flos campi 02:49
Giovanni Picchi
5. Canzon quinta a 2 02:55
P.A. Mariani
6. Canzon La Guaralda 02:12
Ignatio Donati
7. Gaude Maria Virgo 03:25
Marco Uccellini
8. Sinfonia IXX. a 4 02:53
Horatio Tarditi
9. Jesu care 03:19
Giovanni Picchi
10. Canzon quarta a 2 03:02
Giacomo Arrigoni
11. Vulnerasti cor meum 04:06
Giovanni Paolo Cima
12. Capriccio a 4 03:33
Francesco Turini
13. Desidero Te millies 03:04
Salomone Rossi
14. Sonata detta La Viena in dialogo 05:38
Biagio Marini
15. Sinfonia La Martinenga 02:08
Mario Capuana
16. Ecce panis 04:00

CD 3

Alessandro Grandi
1. Osculetur me 04:31
Giuseppe Scarani
2. Sonata prima a 2 03:36
Alessandro Grandi
3. Venite filii 01:34
Alessandro Grandi
4. O intemerata a 2 02:55
Alessandro Grandi
5. Deus misereatur nostri 02:50
Alessandro Grandi
6. Caecilia 02:49
Carlo Milanuzzi
7. Canzon a 5 "La Zorzi" 02:43
Alessandro Grandi
8. O dulce nomen Jesus 04:48
Alessandro Grandi
9. Sinfonia a 4 01:01
Alessandro Grandi
10. Salvum me fac domine a 2 02:42
Alessandro Grandi
11. Bone Jesu 05:06
Giuseppe Scarani
12. Sonata terza a 2 03:30
Alessandro Grandi
13. Veni sancte spiritus 03:32
Alessandro Grandi
14. O quam speciosa 06:28

CD 4

Giovanni Legrenzi
1. Sonata "La Squarzona" 03:04
Giovanni Legrenzi
2. O dilectissime Jesu 05:50
Giovanni Legrenzi
3. Sonata "La Cremona" 03:51
Giovanni Legrenzi
4. Hodie colletantur 05:46
Giovanni Legrenzi
5. O vos qui inter 06:21
Giovanni Legrenzi
6. Sonáta a 5 La Marinona 03:06
Giovanni Legrenzi
7. Non susurate 08:11
Giovanni Legrenzi
Sonata a 3 La Rossetta
8. Sonata a 3 La Rossetta 03:03
Giovanni Legrenzi
9. Humili voce 06:23
Giovanni Legrenzi
10. Sonata prima a 5 04:35
Giovanni Legrenzi
11. Omnes gentes 08:28

CD 5

Adam Václav Michna z Otradovic
1. Christmas Magnet and Archer 02:21
Adam Václav Michna z Otradovic
2. Christmas morning dew 03:22
Alessandro de Poglietti
3. Sonata a 4 (in D major) 05:00
Václav Karel Holan Rovenský
4. Fall Asleep, Venerable Rosebud 02:01
Václav Karel Holan Rovenský
5. To little Jesus, beloved 03:57
Antonio Bertali
6. Sonatella quinta a 5 01:29
Adam Václav Michna z Otradovic
7. Christmas cradle 03:32
Andreas Hammerschmidt
8. Paduan a 5 01:59
Václav Karel Holan Rovenský
9. Delightful doves of the Ark 02:29
Václav Karel Holan Rovenský
10. When the whole world was described 04:44
Alessandro de Poglietti
11. Sonata a 4 (in G major) 02:55
Bedřich Bridel
12. Listen, O Christian 03:37
Adam Václav Michna z Otradovic
13. Christmas Pleasantry 01:52
Antonio Bertali
14. Sonatella quarta a 5 01:28
Bedřich Bridel
15. Visit us, o lovely Child 06:11

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