Legenda o narození Páně

  • Recorded: May 2020
  • Record Place: Domovina Studio
  • First Release: 2020
  • (P) 2020 SUPRAPHON a.s.
  • Genre: Christmas


  • music by: Jaroslav Krček
  • original lyrics by: Jaroslav Krček
  • singing: Dagmar Peckova
  • singing: Vincenc Ignác Novotný
  • conductor: Jaroslav Krček
  • musical group: Musica Bohemica


Dagmar Pecková, Musica Bohemica, Jaroslav Krček

Exaltatio - Christmas Carols

Catalogue Number: SU 4285-2
Published: 23rd October 2020
Genre: Christmas
Format: 1 CD
Traditional Czech and Moravian carols, Christmas canticles from Czech Baroque hymnbooks, old European Advent and Christmas songs, and Jaroslav Krček's original songs.

Dagmar Pecková - mezzo-soprano, Vincenc Ignác Novotný - tenor, Jaroslav Krček, Musica Bohemica, conductor: Jaroslav Krček

The highly acclaimed Christmas CD Nativitas is now joined by a new festive album, bearing the title Exaltatio. While in Colloquial Latin the word means "exaltation" and "elation", in Christian theology it has a more profound connotation: "elevation". The mezzo-soprano Dagmar Pecková has recorded yet another Christmas-themed album, featuring Czech and other European carols and folk songs hailing the Nativity. At Christmas, people feel much closer to one another than at any other time of the year, and it has been so for centuries. The special seasonal atmosphere is what French, German, English and Polish songs have in common. Pecková has again reached for Baroque hymnbooks, in which piety combines with a majestic sublime mood. The album also encompasses much more high-spirited and poetic folk carols. Jaroslav Krček has made stylistic arrangements, whose singular signature relates to Musica Bohemica. The CD features several Baroque-inspired pieces he himself has composed. The magic of Christmas evidently continues to be celebrated by contemporary creators.

Dagmar Pecková's new Christmas album: 30 carols and songs from Bohemia, Moravia and other European regions
Jaroslav Krček
1. Intermezzo 1 01:11
Jaroslav Krček
2. Legenda o narození Páně 03:31
Jaroslav Krček
3. Intermezzo 2 02:36
Jaroslav Krček
4. Legenda o Marii 03:26
5. Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem 01:39
6. Als ich bei meinen Schafen wacht 02:16
French Folk Song
7. Noël nouvelet 02:16
anonym 16.století
8. Deck the Halls 01:40
9. Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen 03:00
Spanish Folk Song
10. Una pandereta suena 01:51
11. Buďme všetci potěšeni 01:38
Polish Folk Song
12. Jezus malusienki 01:28
Jiří Třanovský
13. Bůh se nyní narodil 02:30
Václav Karel Holan Rovenský
14. Veselým hlasem zpívejme 02:39
Jiří Třanovský
15. Rok nový zase k nám přišel 01:43
Jiří Třanovský
16. Rosu dejte, ó, nebesa 02:20
Matěj Václav Šteyer
17. Sláva buď, pokoj na nebi 02:56
18. Prolomte se, nebesa 02:51
Czech Folk Song
19. Dítě se nám narodilo 02:17
Jaroslav Krček
20. Intermezzo 3 01:30
Czech Folk Song
21. Poslyšte, křesťané 02:28
Czech Folk Song
22. Dej Bůh štěstí 01:35
Czech Folk Song
23. Usnula, usnula, ja, Maria v ráji 04:27
Czech Folk Song
24. Krásná panna 03:06
Folk Song
25. Máte-li co, poneste 02:30
26. Zvěstování Panně Marii 02:50
27. Pochválen buď Ježíš Kristus 02:08
Czech carol
28. Štědrej večer nastal 01:59
Czech Folk Song
29. Den přeslavný jest k nám přišel 01:25

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